Waste Collection


As of September 1, 2022 the Waste Collection Program for our Municipality has been relocated from the Waste Facility to the Public Works Department Depot in Guysborough. The program remains the same; however the contact for waste collection issues is now the Municipal Office at (902) 533-3705. 

Waste Drop Off

Green For Life (GFL) Environment Inc. Guysborough's Waste Facility has a customer waste drop-off as well as a facility for materials suitable for reuse. The waste drop off is located just off the scale. Residents are asked to separate their waste and dispose in the appropriate container. There are five (5) large, clearly-labeled containers. 

The facility also offers safe disposal of most household hazardous materials and electronics.


At the customer waste drop off, the Waste Facility offers a facility to recycle used items that are still of value. It is in the garage attached to the drop-off. Residents are asked to place any reusable items in the reuse center. Others can remove these items. If someone is looking for a particular item, let staff know, and they will keep an eye out for it. For safety reasons, scavenging through the large stock piles is not permitted.

Waste Wizard & Collection Calendar

As residents, you are invited to enter your civic address in the Waste Wizard & the Collection Calendar to receive waste collection information specific to your address. If you sign-up for reminders you’ll also receive special notices for events and waste collection route changes.

Changes to the Waste Collection Schedule, November 2020

Bulk Collection

In addition to regular waste collection, each Spring the Municipality offers a drop off collection of bulk items and household hazardous materials in 15-20 specified locations throughout the District. Notice of times and locations will be posted.  Bulk items may always be taken directly to the waste disposal facility or a limited number of items can be placed at roadside on the last collection day in the months of January, March, April, June, September and November.